
Monday, July 7, 2014

oil pulling pt 2

Just over a week ago, I told you about how I had quit using toothpaste for a week and how the experiment was going. So far, the results have been good. I have less sensitivity, healthier gums, and increased confidence about my teeth in general.

Now the second week has come and gone, and my coconut oil supply is a little more diminished. How did it go? Ask my dentist!

I had my 6-month check-up scheduled for today (
what a coincidence!) and I was especially curious to see what my dental hygienist had to say about my mouth. For the record, these ladies know me and these pearls quite well. I've been going to them for 3 years now for all my dental hardships. We've gone from seeing each other every couple of weeks to every 6 months. I absolutely adore these ladies and dread the day I ever have to find another dentist/hygienist. Moving on...

My cleaning went as usual. X-rays, getting the plaque off my teeth, trying to talk between having her hands in my mouth, rinsing, polishing, laughing, checking my gums, and addressing any issues I might be having. Overall, my hygienist said my teeth and gums look beautiful. No joke, they love to say how beautiful my teeth and gums are (
because they were SO BAD), and I often hear, "Sweetie, you've come a long way!" Usually, however, it's quickly followed up by concerns about my susceptibility to decay and how I need to be rigorously brushing and flossing everyday. Not this time! I don't think brushing or flossing more was even discussed.

On the flip-side, don't abandon your dentist yet! By no means do I believe Oil Pulling can cure every mouth issue. Here's the other part of my dentist trip story...

Thanks to genetics (
again), I have crowded teeth. Many of my front teeth are at awkward angles and rotated, so they don't line up correctly and some are too close together. As such, there are areas in-between my teeth that I simply can't get to. Because of that, I do need the standard 6-month check-up to clear plaque from those crevasses I can't reach. This also means that I'm a great candidate for Invisalign, which can correct the crookedness, and allow me to clean (and pull!) more thoroughly. Granted, it's expensive, but I believe it's worth it in my case. (And if you know your dentist well enough, you might get a special deal like me!)

Also, because my bite is off, and my jaw is always searching for a safe place to land, I have been grinding my teeth and managed to crack a previous, large filling in one of my upper molars. In turn, I had been having one spot where my floss felt like it would get stuck, which was rather uncomfortable. Thankfully, this is easily repaired, and Invisalign will help correct my bite. I suspect that an off bite could be repaired naturally as well, but I would be willing to bet it needs to be done in youth when teeth are still coming in and bones are still growing. Being 25 years old, I probably don't have many options of changing it naturally. But it's something worth looking into. (
My suspicions are brought about from this link and reading about dental prerequisite #6.)

In other news, my sensitivity is pretty much gone. I haven't felt any sudden discomfort when taking in cold water from the sink or when I'm outside, so I would like to pronounce that cured. My mouth still feels on the dry side. However, I know I haven't drank enough water this past week, and because of the cold weather, everything is a little dried out.

That's all for today! I'm going to go throw away my toothpaste, and I'll check back in a couple weeks and let y'all know how it's going!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or dental professional. I am not telling anyone to quit seeing their dentist. I am not saying that dentistry is unnecessary. I'm simply sharing what's working for me and what I'm learning. I also am not advertising for Invisalign, but sharing what's been recommended for me.

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