
Monday, June 30, 2014

safety and comfort

Recently I sent a message to a friend after he posted a question on my facebook about my status.
My status read: "When did we begin to equate Christianity with safety?... God is more concerned about your character than your comfort."
My friend asked: "How do you know?"
Before I knew it, I had pinpointed the exact position of my heart. This is what I said.

"... at my church here in Dallas, my pastor's been speaking on seeking God's will for our lives. Being in a new city, with a handful of friends, and not working, I've been dying to know what God has for my life here in Dallas.
Unfortunately, my attitude has not been what it should be. I have been lacking in the amount of time I spend talking to God and studying His word, and because of that, my heart is struggling to hear His voice and understand Him. (When you don't spend time with someone you love, you start to forget where their heart lies).
Why have I been lacking? Simple (though it took some arguments between my husband and I for me to figure it out). I have been prideful (and my husband pointed this out to me), and I have somehow forgotten that I cannot do the large things of God's will before I embrace and understand the small things (my bible study and prayer time with God).
I have been seeking "easy" and "safe" Christianity that does not require any real "work" on my part. I want to just be given what I think I deserve, and yet I deserve nothing. And even if God were to give me a greater task, I would fail to complete it because I am not properly equipped. When I spend time with God, I begin to understand His heart, and why He has things play out the way that they do. If I am not doing this, I cannot begin to understand the purpose of anything I do.
The past several months have been completely uncomfortable for me, and I have often felt lonely, excluded, and miserable. I am only now beginning to see that my lack of discipline has been the reason for this - my lack of discipline has taken me out of my daily time with the Lord, who is my hope, comfort, joy, and peace. As I have lacked time with Him daily, I have lost those elements of life.
However, I now see the purpose in me going through this - that I may learn to do the small things so I can eventually do the larger things, and not of my own power, but of Christ's. I have been placed in an uncomfortable position so that I can learn what God cares about most - keeping myself close to His heart and His love so that I may know Him better and do His will for His glory, and not my own.
So will my habits change immediately? I would like to think so, but being stubborn, I will probably struggle. But struggle makes us stronger, and if I want any shot at hope for my future and in my desire to do God's will, I must struggle with myself to know my God better each day, every day.
I am currently reading "That Hideous Strength," by CS Lewis, and a quote from it that really penetrated was this: " do not fail in obedience through lack of love, but have lost love because you never attempted obedience." This is the best sum-up of where I am at right now."

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